288 is not a prime number. It is composite.
The Greatest Common Factor of the two numbers is 9. 288/9 = 32, 405/9 = 45.
288, 576, 864 and 1152
There are two consecutive even numbers: 16 x 18 = 288
The prime factors of 288 are: 2, 3
25 x 32
288 is not a prime number. It is composite.
To have a gcf of 18 they must have one factor of 18 in common and no other factor, ie the second factor of the numbers must be relatively prime. The multiples of 18 between 200 and 300 are: 12 x 18 = 216 13 x 18 = 234 14 x 18 = 252 15 x 18 = 270 16 x 18 = 288 12 is relatively prime to 13 13 is relatively prime to 14, 15 & 16 14 is relatively prime to 15 15 is relatively prime to 16 (Pairs of numbers are being considered, so as 12 is relatively prime to 13, 13 is also relatively prime to 12 and thus is only listed when the numbers increase, ie under 12 and not under 13.) Thus the pairs: 216 & 234 234 & 252 234 & 270 234 & 288 252 & 270 270 & 288 all have a gcf of 18.
You need two numbers to get a product. A factor pair for any number other than 288 will give a product that is not 288.
Prime factorization of 288 = 2x2x2x2x2x3x3Prime factorization of 40 = 2x2x2x5Prime factorization of 24 = 2x2x2x32x2x2 = 8, the GCF
The Greatest Common Factor of the two numbers is 9. 288/9 = 32, 405/9 = 45.
You need at least two numbers to find a GCF.
Prime factors of 36 are: 2^2 and 3^2 Prime factors of 24 are: 2^3 and 3 Prime factor of 32 is: 2^5 Multiply the highest prime factors: 3^2 times 2^5 = 288 which is the LCM