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The answer will depend on what dimension[s] you consider to be special.

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Q: What is the factorial difference of the special dimension in this universe and one more of the smallest perfect number?
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How many zeros would a googolplex factorial have?

if you counted one digit for every particle in the universe it would take over a googol universes.

Which are the eleven dimensions in universe?

The first dimension is primary (length). The second dimension is secondary (width). The third dimmension is tertiary (height). Those are the 3 basic spatial dimensions. The fourth dimension is time. The fifth dimension is the rotation of primary. The sixth dimension is the rotation of secondary (and primary). The seventh dimension is the rotation of tertiary (secondary and primary). The eighth dimension is the pulse of time. The ninth dimension is the energy radiation of primary. The tenth dimension is the energy radiation of secondary. The eleventh dimension is the energy radiation of tertiary. In total there are 10 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension, in other words, 11 spacetime dimensions.

How do you define 'dimension' in mathematics and physics?

'Dimension' refers to the coordinates that are specific to a given space whether mathematical or physical. 'Dimension' most often is used to refer specifically to physical property or physical quantity. In other words, it is a measure of some object or event. According to Einstein's theories of relativity, the universe has four spatial dimensions (length, area, volume, and time). In works of science fiction, the word 'dimension' is used to refer to some imaginary plane of existence or to what is known in theoretical physics as a 'parallel universe' or 'parallel world'.

What is spatial dimension?

Spatial (infrequently spelled spacial) dimensions are those which we normally associate with the characteristics of height, length, width. It would be correct to say that a cube has three equal spatial dimensions. The term dimension is used to refer to the size of something, so spatial dimension is the aspect of the physical extent, or spatial extend, of an object. One may also speak of other measurements of size, the one frequently juxtaposed with spatial is the temporal extent of something. A person's age is a size in the time dimension. The universe is known to have three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. (Theoretical physics has produced conjectures that there are actually more than these four, string theory being one area of current research which asserts the possibility that there are actually 10 or 11 or more dimensions in the universe.) The concept of dimensions is not limited to space and time. In mathematics, the size of an array of N rows and M columns is said to two-dimensional and N is the column dimension and M is the row dimension. This idea generalizes to more than just two and can even be extended to include the concept of infinite dimensional objects. The concept of size or extent, hence the concept of dimension, goes beyond physics and mathematics and one can, for example, speak of the color dimensions something may have. In short, a spatial dimension refers to physical size in one direction in space and there are three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension that are intrinsic to the universe in which we live.

What is the difference between size and scale?

Size is how big something is, scale is how much is in that object. Think of the universe for example.

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What is the arranged in order from largest to smallest in size?

The range is the difference between the largest and smallest observations.

Is heaven invisible?

It is a different dimension; a different universe. You can only view the dimension you are presently in.

Which is the smallest universe galaxy solar system?

The smallest known solar system is Kepler-37, which consists of a star slightly smaller than our sun and three small planets. Within this solar system, the smallest known planet is Kepler-37b, which is slightly larger than Earth's moon. In terms of galaxies, dwarf galaxies are generally smaller in size and mass compared to larger galaxies like the Milky Way.

Is there anything beyond a black hole such as another dimension or universe could it warp you to another dimension?

no there is not once you enter a black hole you are crushed but your matter can be possibly shot out as radiation but other than that no there is no other universe or dimension based on my research

What dimension was the universe at the first instant of the big bang?

It is unsure because when the big bang explode, space's dimension is expanding, which means the dimension will go on forever.

What is the order of the moons smallest to lagrest?

the smallest moon in the whole universe

What are the smallest star in the universe?


What element in the universe has the smallest atom?

the atom with the least mass is the hydrogen atom

Is the atom the smallest object in the universe?

The nucleus inside the atom would be the smallest.

Who has the smallest eyes in the universe?

Ryan Park

Center of universe?

The center of a volume of mass, is its' center of gravity.As the universe is the greatest volume possible, and contains all mass, and gravity originates from mass. If the volume of the universe is "unbound" the center of gravity, for the mass of the universe would be everywhere.As all gravity in the universe, can originate from, only, the mass in the universe, and the whole must equal the sum of its parts.The gravity of the universe is only shown through the diameters of the volumes of masses, within it, as a center of gravity.The mass of the universe as seen through a diameter of a volume of mass, as gravity.Theoretically, in geometry,1 point has no volume. the 0 dimension;2 point, makes a line, the 1st dimension;3 lines make an area, the 2nd dimension;4 areas make a volume, a 3rd dimension;5 volumes make a time, a 4th dimension;6 times could make a 5th dimension?7..."?!"As the greatest volume is the universeand the smallest volume is a point.There must be 3 other volumes,to make the 5 necessary for time, to exist.As a volume can only exist within a greater volume,Then between the point and the universe there must be 3 other volumes, such as,the inaccessible cores of atoms, stars, and galaxies.The sum of which, all contained, in unbound volume,gives this universe gravity, and a center of gravity,that is everywhere, but only is detectable through the diameter of a volume of mass.

How is the universe organized from biggest to smallest?

The universe is organized in a hierarchical structure from largest to smallest as follows: universe, observable universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, moon, and then down to subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons.