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Q: What is the features of terms?
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What are the key features widely used in business application programs?

The key features in business programs in terms of software is editting and typing and knowing what letters to use like formatting

What is meant by oblique transverse and triangular ridges?

These are terms that refer to specific anatomical features of teeth. These terms are only important to dental professionals.

What are the common features of Ontario Canada?

In terms of nature, rocks and trees and tree and rocks.


all the visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.

What is words on maps and globes that describe the earth's physical features such as delta and peninsula?

geographic terms

What does geographic terms mean?

Words we use to describe and write about processes features and phenomenon that occur on earth.

What is a legend for literary terms?

A legend is a story from folklorethat features characters who actuallylived or real events or place

What is the unfamiliar term comparing to rest of the terms-absence-visage-countenance-physiognomy-lineaments-features?


Why do marketers define products in terms of benefits?

Product developers create features. But buyers are interested in the benefits - that's how they evaluate a purchase. If marketers emphasized features, they would not be taking the customer's perspective. You don't buy features - you buy benefits.

What is sceneny?

The natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance, esp. when picturesque.The painted background used to represent natural features or other surroundings on a theater stage or movie set.

Which of these terms is defined as a type of comedy based on a highly humorous and improbable plot that features misunderstandings and confusion?

farce *;