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A polygon.

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Q: What is the figure enclosed by straight lines called?
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What is a three-sided enclosed figure called that is not a triangle?

If the lines are straight then it IS a triangle.

What is a figure enclosed by straight lines called?

A polygon. E.g triangles , sqares ,pentagon .

What is difference between a polygon and plane figure?

A polygon is a plane figure with 3 or more straight sides and angles. A plane figure is a flat enclosed figure made of straight lines, curved lines, or both.

What is a closed plane figure with straight sides called?

It is a polygon that is a closed plane figure with 3 or more straight lines.

What do we called a figure formed by 2 straight lines?

Perpendicular lines or parallel lines are two examples

Is a Cuba a polygon?

No it is not. A polygon is a plane space enclosed by straight lines. The boundaries of Cuba are not straight lines.

What are the sides of the polygon?

A polygon is a 2-dimensional area that is enclosed by straight lines. These straight lines are its sides.

What is a closed figure made of all straight lines or line segment?

a closed figure with all straight line segments is called a polygon.

What is the meaning of the sides of a polygon?

A polygon is a closed plane (flat) shape where an area is enclosed by a number of straight lines that meet, two at a time. These straight lines form the boundary of the polygon and are called its sides.

What does a polygon and a polyhedron have in common?

Both are basic geometric figures. A polygon is a 2-dimensional area enclosed by straight lines. A polyhedron is an analogous figure in 3-dimensional space, but they do not have all that much in common.A polyhedron is bounded by polygons, not straight lines.

Is ellipse a polygon?

No it cannot. A polygon is a plane space enclosed by straight lines. An ellipse consists of a curved line, not straight lines.

What is the figure formed by two straight lines meeting at a point called?

That would be an "angle".