0.33% (rounded up from 0.329)
If you mean how to score a test with 12 questions, you take the number correct, divide by 12, and multiply times 100. This will give you the percent correct.
68 right out of 79 is 86 percent. Sounds like a "B."
If you missed out 11 AND got all the rest correct you would have 83.08%. However, if you miss out 11 out of 65 it is unlikely that you are good enough to get all the rest correct!
If each of the 17 questions is worth the same credit, then your score is 35.3% correct, 64.7% incorrect. Each teacher decides what range of scores will get which letter grade, and it might be different on different tests. But it's hard to imagine that your score on this one could get any passing grade.
64.52% right. Call it 65%
0.33% (rounded up from 0.329)
Oh, dude, let me do the math for you. So, if Emily answered 11 questions wrong out of 65, we just divide 11 by 65 and multiply by 100 to get the percentage. That's like around 16.9%. So, yeah, Emily missed about 16.9% of the questions on her test. Cool, right?
If you mean how to score a test with 12 questions, you take the number correct, divide by 12, and multiply times 100. This will give you the percent correct.
86.25% To verify: Divide number of incorrect questions (11) by number of original questions (80); answer expressed as a percentage is 13.75%. That's the number of incorrect answers, therefore 100% - 13.75% = 86.25% is the number of correct answers.
68 right out of 79 is 86 percent. Sounds like a "B."
If you missed out 11 AND got all the rest correct you would have 83.08%. However, if you miss out 11 out of 65 it is unlikely that you are good enough to get all the rest correct!
11 grade
grade 11
grade 11 .
At least 11. 30 questions right would be 75% and 29 would be 72.5%, which would round up to 73%.
Dylan sprouse is in grade 11 grade