8 is NOT a prime number. It is divisible by 2, for example.
The prime number before 8 is 7.
17 is a prime number. 8 and 12 are not prime numbers.
2 is the first prime number.
The first prime number after 14 is 17.
There are an infinite number of them. 8 has three prime factors, 30 is the first with three distinct prime factors.
It's the first even number It is the first prime number It is the only even prime number It is the base of the binary system If a number ends in 0,2,4,6 or 8 it is divisible by 2
8 is a even number 17 is a prime number
8 is NOT a prime number. It is divisible by 2, for example.
The prime number before 8 is 7.
17 is a prime number. 8 and 12 are not prime numbers.
2 is the first prime number.
The first prime number after 14 is 17.
2 X 4 = 8, so 8 is a composite number.a composite number.
The prime number between 8 and 13 is 11.
No, and the first give-away is that it ends with 8 (divisible by 2).
The only prime number divisible by 7 is 7. There are no prime numbers divisible by 8.