The Gutenberg Bible was the first book in recorded history to be printed, but was written by the original writers of the individual books.
Actually, no one really knows what the circumstances were of the first suicide, as it probably occurred in pre-recorded history. The earliest recorded account of a suicide that I could find was Aegeis of the 1230's bc. But it could have occurred much eirlier than that as well.
Marilyn VosSavant has an IQ of 228, which is the highest recorded IQ in history.
According to the Bible, the first person in the world was Adam, whom God created. If you do not accept the account the Bible gives of mankind's origins, then we do not know who the first person in the world was, as that period pre-dates recorded history.
The Bible itself does not tell us who was the first person to die a natural death, since it did not record or claim to record everything that happened. The first recorded natural death is that of Adam in Genesis 5:5.5And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.Given Adam's age it is possible that someone predeceased him naturally, although people certainly lived a great deal longer then. The only deaths of the original 12 recorded in Scripture are Judas and James, John's brother (Acts 12). But according to tradition, John is the only Apostle to have died a natural death.
Blasphemy was.
The first recorded use of steel in history was around 1800 BC in ancient Mesopotamia.
there is no recorded death in history from marijuana
It is impossible to identify the first human to die on Earth, as death has been a natural part of life since the beginning of humanity. The concept of death predates recorded history, so there is no definitive answer to this question.
The Black Death.
He was the first person in recorded history to sign a peace treaty.
Since the beginning of recorded history. Egyptians were fond users of the death penalty.
The first woman ruler in recorded history was a queen of Egypt named Sobekneferu. She ruled around 1806 BC.
History has not recorded that information.
acoustical recording
The first recorded use of electricity in history was in 600 BC by the ancient Greeks, who discovered static electricity by rubbing amber.