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Q: What is the flush screw for on your 9.8 Mercury?
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How do you flush a 1995 Mercury Cougar?

Flush the cooling system? Flush the fuel system? Flush the hydraulic brake system? Flush the AC system? Flush the transmission? Pick one.

How do you change the transmission mounted speed sensor on a 98' mercury sable?

The sensor will either screw in or have a bolt holding it. Disconnect the wiring plug then unscrew or remove the bolt to change.

Why does a Sloan valve short flush?

You should change the diaphragm and adjust the screw to get the proper flush cycle. See the instructions, or look online for them.

What part of a flush hinge goes on the door?

The leaf with screw holes goes on the door.

Where is the drainage for the radiator in a 98 Mercury Mystique?

The drain plug is a rubber threaded stopper . It is on the bottom passenger side of the rad above the bottom hose. It sits flush with the rad so it is hard to see. A large slote srewdiver will open it.

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idle screw

Where is the bleeder screw on a 2000 Honda civic coolant flush and fill?

there isnt one after 1996

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how to set timing belt on a 98 mercury tracer 2.0

How do you flush the radiator 1992 Mercury Cougar 3.8 fuel injected v6?

Buy a flush kit at auto parts store and follow instructions

What type of freon do you use for 98 Mercury Mystique?


Is there a pressure release screw or bleeder on the power steering system in a 1999 mercury sable wagon?

There is a pressure release screw or bleeder on the power steering system in a 1999 Mercury Sable wagon.