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Q: What is the formal alternative of so forth?
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What is the alternative term to "dear" that can be used to address someone in a formal letter?

The alternative term to "dear" that can be used to address someone in a formal letter is "respected."

What is the alternative to addressing a formal letter to "Dear Sirs"?

The alternative to addressing a formal letter to "Dear Sirs" is to use "Dear Madam or Sir" or "To Whom It May Concern."

What is an alternative name for a black tie dinner?

A formal dinner

What is the appropriate alternative to using "dear" in a formal letter or email?

In a formal letter or email, an appropriate alternative to using "dear" is to address the recipient by their title and last name, such as "Mr. Smith" or "Dr. Johnson."

What is the alternative way to address a formal letter if the recipient's gender is unknown, dear sir/madam?

The alternative way to address a formal letter when the recipient's gender is unknown is to use "To whom it may concern" instead of "Dear sir/madam."

What is an alternative title to use when writing a letter to your future high school teachers when 'teacher' seems too formal?

'to whom it may concern' too formal?

What has the author Timothy Wallace Young written?

Timothy Wallace Young has written: 'Public alternative education' -- subject(s): Alternative education, Non-formal education

Electricity that goes back and forth is called?

AC (alternative current) goes back and forth (the flow of the current changes periodically) DC (direct current) has a continuous flow

What is the exact definition of a debt iva?

A debt iva is a contractual arrangement between a debitor and creditor that constitutes a formal repayment of debts. This is also a formal alternative to avoid bankruptsy.

What is the word which means 'formal release from slavery?

manumit, from the latin manus=hand, plus emittere=send forth.

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on the other hand. apex answer *** And so forth