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Q: What is the formula and units for torque?
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What are the units of torque?


What is the domensions for torque?

Dimensional formula of torque = [ML2T-2 ]

What is the formula that defines the moment of force?

The moment of force (torque) is defined by the formula: Torque = Force x Distance x sin(θ) where: Torque is the moment of force (Nm) Force is the applied force (N) Distance is the distance from the pivot point where the force is applied (m) θ is the angle between the force and the lever arm.

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define the following write the units and formula

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10 formula units

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How many grams of NaCl are present in 8.39x10^22 formula units of NaCl?

What is the number of formula units that are in 5.68 moles of magnesium oxide?

To find the number of formula units of magnesium oxide in 5.68 moles, you first need to determine the formula of magnesium oxide (MgO). Then use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) to convert moles to formula units. So, in 5.68 moles of MgO, there are approximately 3.43 x 10^24 formula units.

How many formula units are in the unit cell shown?

The number of formula units in a unit cell depends on the type of unit cell and the arrangement of atoms within the cell. For simple cubic, there is 1 formula unit; for body-centered cubic, there are 2 formula units; and for face-centered cubic, there are 4 formula units.

How many formula units are 0.1 mole of CaS?

The number of formula units is 0,602 214 085 7.10e23.

The torque output of an engine is usually measured in the units of what?

Foot Pounds

What formula is e equals pt?

The formula for energy. E is for energy(Units = Joules) P is for power(Units = Watts) T is for time(Units = Seconds)

Determine the number of formula units that are in 0.688 moles of AgNO3?

0.688 moles*6.02x1023=4.14x1023 Formula units