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They are not the same thing at all.

Work is energy. Mechanical energy is force times distance. You do work when you lift something up against the force of gravity or when you increase the speed of something. Work (energy) is measured in joules in SI and foot-pounds weight in imperial units.

Power is the rate of doing work, how much work is or can be done in a certain amount of time, how fast you can lift something, or how quickly it accelerates. Power is measured in joules per second (the watt) in SI and foot-pounds weight per second in imperial units.

One horsepower is 550 foot-pounds weight per second or about 746 watts.

(Physicists distinguish between the mass of a thing, measured in kilograms or pounds and the force on a thing as a result of gravity, measured in kilograms weight or newtons and pounds weight or poundals. One kilogram weight is about 9.8 newtons; one pound weight is about 32 poundals. But you didn't ask that.)

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Q: What is the formula for calculating power from work?
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The formula that relates work and power is: Power = Work / Time. Power is the rate at which work is done, which is the amount of work done divided by the time it takes to do that work.

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