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Principal x Rate x Time. For example: $180,000 (cost of investment) x 0.067 (6.7% interest) x 30 (years)

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Q: What is the formula for finding the annual payment for an investment?
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i=prt FACT: If an annual interest rate is given, time in the simple interest formula must be expressed in terms of years.

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That's where you get the " APR " on a loan, or the " yield " on an investment.

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That completely depends on what rate of interest you can expect your investment to earn, and how often you can expect the investment interest to be compounded. The assumed rate of interest has more effect on the final value than even the annual payment has, yet the question ignores it completely.

How do use the words annual and yearly in one sentence?

"An annual payment is a payment made on a yearly basis."

Capital ending formula?

The formula for calculating the future value of an investment with compound interest is FV = PV x (1 + r)^n, where FV is the future value, PV is the present value, r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of periods. This formula helps determine how much an investment will grow over time.

If you had investment opportunities offering an 8 percent annual return is it better to make a series of payments or make a single lump sum payment?

The sooner the money begins earning a return, the better.

What does semi annual payments mean?

Semi annual payment means payment done every half year or twice a year.

What does annual payment mean?

when you get money

What is an annual payment called?

A fixed payment which is made annually is called an annuity.

What is the best definition of the rule 72?

The best definition for 72 is the number before 73 and after 71.