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Volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 measured in cubic units

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Q: What is the formula for finding volume of spherical objects?
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What is the formula for calculating cc?

The formula to find the volume of a object or container in cc (cubic centimeters) depends on its shape. Different formulae are used for spherical, triangular, rectangular, cylindrical, etc. shapes. There is no formula for finding the volume of irregular shapes.

Formula for finding the volume of a square?

Vol = 0 That is because a square is a 2-dimensional object and 2-d objects do not have a volume.

What is the formula for finding the volume of a liquid?

There is no formula for this. You have to measure the volume.

How do you find the volume of a cubed object?

Finding the volume of a regular object cube can be hard. This will be hard because there is no real formula for measuring irregular objects.

What is the formula for finding volume of square?

The formula for finding the volume of the square is....... nothing! Its nothing because squares are 2D and I guess you could probaly use area..... :)

How do you find the volume of a regular object cube?

Finding the volume of a regular object cube can be hard. This will be hard because there is no real formula for measuring irregular objects.

What formula do we use to find the volume of regular objects?

The formula of volume

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What is the formula for finding the volume of a rectangle?

Rectangles, being two-dimensional objects, do not have volume. Rectangular prisms, on the other hand, do. The equation for their volume is length*width*height, or lwh.

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Because the formula is the same: volume = 1/3base areaheight

What is the formula in finding the volume of rectangular prism?

The volume of a rectangular prism can be found by the formula: volume=length*width*height

What is the mathematical formula for calculating spherical volume?
