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Q: What is the formula for getting rate of discount?
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What is discount rate?

Discount Rate = Cap Rate - Genaral Inflation. If Cap ex % is known then the above formula becomes' Discount Rate = Cap Rate - Genaral Inflation - Cap Ex %.

Can you put the word discount rate in a sentence?

I'm calling to check on your best discount rate. I bought this paint at a discount rate. The discount rate does not apply on Saturdays.

Nominal discount rate?

A nominal discount rate doesn't take into consideration inflation and other factors. Conversely, a real discount rate would already have inflation included in the rate. The nominal rate is the amount of discount that is state, whereas, the real discount is the actual amount that will be received.

What is the formula in getting base in math?

Base=percentage divided by rate

Which term refers to the rate of interest the Federal Reserve Bank charges member banks?

Discount rate

How do you find the discount sales price when given the original price and the discount rate?

You're asking how to calculate the final sale price of a discounted good. The formula is: Original Price - (Original Price * Discount Rate). As an example, let's say a laptop is priced at $499.99 and the store is offering a 10% discount. Our equation would look like: $499.99 - (499.99 x 0.10) = 449.99.

How do you find the original price of discounted item?

You need to know the discounted price and either the discount amount or the discount rate. If you know the discount amount: Original Price = Discounted Price + Discount If you know the Discount Rate (percentage discount ): Original Price = 100*Discounted Price / (100 - Discount Rate)

How do you find a discount rate?

Say you need to know how to find the discount rate if a stereo, listed for $259, and now it is sold for $189.07 discount = $259 - $189.07 d= 69.93 d = 69.93/259 discount rate = 27% Cupcake Lover

Why use 12 percent discount rate?

70$ with 12% discount

What is the discount rate for a stereo priced at 399.99 but on sale for 329.99 Round the discount rate to the nearest tenth of a percent?

It is 17.5%.

The money multiplier formula shows the effects of?

The money multiplier formula shows the effects of the Federal Reserve discount rate. It does not show a money supply or low interest rates on creditors over a period of time.

As the discount rate becomes higher and higher the present value of inflows approaches what?

As, the present value of future cash flows is determined by the discount rate, so increase or decrease in the discount rate will affect the present value. Discount rate is simply cost or the expense to the company,so in simplest terms, discount rate goes up, cost goes up,so this will lower the present value of cash flows. Assumes a discount rate of 5%,to discount $100 in one years time: Present Value=$100 * 1/(1.05) =$95.24 Ok,as you say,if the discount rate becomes higher,let's say 8%: Present Value=$100 * 1/(1.08) =$92.6 so, the higher the discount rate, the lower the present value.