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Q: What is the formula for harmonic mean?
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What is a harmonic mean?

When applied to electrical waveforms, a 'harmonic' is a multiple of the fundamental frequency.

How to calculate the period of a simple harmonic motion?

by using the formula we will calculat time period of simple harmonic motion

What is the formula for the maximum acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator?

The maximum acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator can be calculated using the formula a_max = ω^2 * A, where ω is the angular frequency and A is the amplitude of the oscillation.

What is the formula of frequency in simple harmonic motion?

Check out, "The World's Encyclopedia" simple harmonic motion >>

What does it mean if the harmonic balancer is wobbling on a 2004 2.7L Dodge Intrepid?

Harmonic balancer is bad and will need to be replaced.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of harmonic mean?

The advantage of harmonic mean is that it is used to solve situations in which there are extreme data values to true picture. The disadvantage of it is that it can be time consuming to evaluate the data.

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What does it mean to sound harmonic?

you sound like people are singing with you

What does histogram find out graphically arithmetic mean or median or mode or harmonic mean?


Is motion of swing an example of simple harmonic motion?

A body undergoes simple harmonic motion if the acceleration of the particle is proportional to the displacement of the particle from the mean position and the acceleration is always directed towards that mean. Provided the amplitude is small, a swing is an example of simple harmonic motion.

WHAT IS relation between arithmetic mean geometric mean and harmonic mean of two numbers?

If x and y are two positive numbers, with arithmetic mean A, geometric mean G and harmonic mean H, then A ≥ G ≥ H with equality only when x = y.

What does homophony mean in music?

Music played in a harmonic, chordal texture.