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Q: What is the formula for regular pay?
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Organic baby formula is better than regular baby formula. It does not have any of the harsh chamicals that regular baby formula has.

What formula do we use to find the volume of regular objects?

The formula of volume

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The formula is 1/2 (apothem) (perimeter)

What is the formula for a regular triangle?

It depends on what the formula is for: the area or perimeter or some other characteristic.

Do you have to pay for a regular ambulance?

No, unless if it was called for no reason, then you would have to pay

What is the formula for surface area if the only measurement you have is the perimeter?

There can be no such formula in general. A formula will exist if the area is a regular polygon (or a circle).

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Vacation pay is typically taxed at the same rate as regular income.

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What is the pension formula in Pakistan?

In Pakistan we calculate pension by the following formula: length of regular service x basic pay x 7 _______________________________ 300 if someone's length of service is 26 years his basic pay is Rs. 30,000 then his monthly pension will be 26 x 30,000 x 7 _____________ = 18,200 rupees per month 300

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Pay rate 25 Hours 40 Net pay?