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There is no single formula. MIN(range) and MAX(range) are the Excel formulae

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Q: What is the formula for selecting the lowest or highest value from a row of numbers in a spreadsheet?
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A spreadsheet calculating the sum of 10 numbers entered into spreadsheet cells is an example of?

A formula. It can also be a function.

What is underlying formula in Excel?

An underlying formula in Excel is used in a spreadsheet to do something different than the formula does. An underlying formula can be used to remove values or display numbers.

What is an expression that tells how the numbers in a determined set of cells are to be calculated?

A formula is an expression that tells how the numbers in a determined set of cells are to be calculated in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

What is the spreadsheet formula to calculate the difference between two numbers?

It depends which spreadsheet package you're using, and how its syntax is set but - something like... D3=A3-B3 or D3=sum(A3-B3)

Is apple iwork numbers a spreadsheet program?

Apple's Numbers software is the spreadsheet component of their iWork suite.

Why the formula use in MS Excel?

it means a sequence of numbers and letters to send you to a specific location. (I had this question as homework at school)

Is a spreadsheet a collection of numbers or not text?

Spreadsheets are mainly for manipulating numbers and doing calculations, but a spreadsheet will also have a lot of text in it too, usually to explain what the numbers refer to. So there will be mostly numbers on a spreadsheet, but lots of text too.

what are the row numbers that appear automatically in an excel spreadsheet called?

Serial numbers. Or, generically for any spreadsheet, row headers.

In a spreadsheet numbers are called?


Spreadsheet columns are labeled with numbers?

no they are not

What is a rule in a spreadsheet?

a rule in a spread sheet means that you can not change it, it is a rule. u can also tell there is a rule when u click on a cell ad there is a formula or numbers there.:)

What is data in excel?

In a spreadsheet the data is the actual values that you type in, that are then used in calculations. So if you were to type in a list of 10 numbers and then type a formula to add the ten numbers, it is the ten numbers that are your data. The formula is using your data. You could have other formulas that work on those 10 numbers, like getting the average or the highest or lowest number in the list. None of those formulas are your data though, just the original 10 numbers. You could then type in other numbers or dates or text and they would all form part of your data. But any calculations you do or formulas you use are not data.