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2*pi*r*L where r is (outer) radius of the pipe (in case of the outer surface) nd L is the length of the pipe.

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Q: What is the formula for surface area of pipe?
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How do you calculate the surface area of pipe fitting?

To calculate the surface area of a pipe fitting, you need to use the formula 3.14 x L x D. The L stands for the length of the pipe and the D is the diameter of the pipe.

What is the pipe leterall formola?

a formula is an equation, rule, principle, or other logical relation. The pipe lateral formula is Ao equals external pipe surface area (feet 2 per feet pipe).

The surface area formula for a right cone is the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone?

False. The surface area formula for a right cone is not the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone.

What is the formula for getting the surface area of a pipe?

2*pi*r*L where pi is the mathematicl constant approximated by 3.15149, r is the outer radius of the pipe and L is its length.

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Formula of surface area?

The formula for the surface area of a circle is pi times the square of the radius. The formula for the surface area of a triangle is base times height, divided by 2. The formula for the surface area of a square or rectangle is length times width.

Formula for surface area of a sphere?

The formula for the surface area of a sphere is: 4 pi r 2

What is the formula of an curved surface area?

It depends on the formula that describes the surface itself. "Curved surface area" is not enough information to answer the question.

How do you calculate surface area of pipe elbow?

(Pi*(Center of elbow - od/2)^2-(pi*(Center of elbow+od/2)^2)รท4)รท100000=0.221 Square Meter

What will be the surface area of pipe if pipe dia is 6 inch and length is 7.5 meter?

Surface area of the pipe: diameter*pi*length but make sure that the diameter and length are both in meters or inches.

What is the formula for computing the surface area of a pipe elbow?

Calculate as you would the surface of a cylinder who's height is the length of the central line of the pipe bend.(2*π*r*h)where:r is the (external) radius of the pipeπ is the constant 3.14159... andh is the length of the cylinder or the center-line of the pipe bend

What is the formula of the surface area of two spheres?

Well, the formula for the surface area for one sphere is 4∏r2So if you have two identical spheres, the formula for the surface area of both would be 8∏r2