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the volume of a rectangular prism

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Q: What is the formula length x width x height used for?
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What is the formula used to find volume?

Length x width x height

What is the number representing the linear dimension of an object is referred to as?

Length (breadth, width or height are also used).Length (breadth, width or height are also used).Length (breadth, width or height are also used).Length (breadth, width or height are also used).

The formula length x width x height is used to measure what?

Volume of a cuboid.

What formula is used to find rectangular volume?

length times width times height

What is the formula of a prisom?

The formula for finding the volume for all prisms is area of cross section _ length. Also this formula can be used: length by its width by its height (l _ w _ h).

What formula is used to find the volume of a box?

the formula to find the volume for anything is to multiply length times width times height.

What is the formula used to find volume with a meter stick?

V = volume l = length w = width h = height V = lwh

What do we use to measure length width and height?

It depends on what is being measured. The instruments and units used for measuring the length, width and height of a building would be different to those used for a matchbox!

For a rectangle length and width are sometimes used in place of?

Base and height

What tools can be used to find volume?

The length, width and height of an object.

What formula should be used to find the area of a rectangle?

Base x height for the area oF a rectangle(sometimes written as length x width). 1/2 x base x height for a triangle.

How is a centimeter related to a meter?

They both are used in measuring length, width, or height.