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Q: What is the formula to calculate vernier scale?
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What is the least count of vernier scale in diffraction grating?

The least count of a vernier scale in a diffraction grating is typically determined by the formula for the number of lines per unit length on the grating. By dividing the distance between two adjacent lines on the scale by this number, you can calculate the least count of the vernier scale.

Where on the vernier scale would you read to obtain the vernier scale reading?

where on the vernier caliper would you read to obtain the vernier scale reading

What is the unit of vernier scale reading of vernier caliper?

No unit for vernier scale coincidence. But as we multiply it by least count which has unit then we get vernier scale reading with the same unit. Of course main scale reading and vernier scale reading would have the same unit

What is main scale and vernier scale?

1)Main Scale is fixed(It does not move) Vernier scale slides along main scale.2)Least count of Mainscale is 0.1cmLeast count of vernier scale is 0.01cm

How do you take reading in travelling microscope by using the vernier scale reading from 0.6 to 1.0?

Their Vernier scale consists of two readings; the Vernier scale and the main scale. One can read that by the first line is the main scale and the next line is the Vernier reading.

How do you calculate readings of sextant?

first find out least count of main circular scale in degrees,then divide least count of main scale by total divisions on cylindrical scale(this cylindrical scale works as vernier scale for fist one,its least count will be in minutes) then further divide least count of cylindrical scale by total divisions of small vernier scale which touches it,(this small scale works as vernier scale for cylindrical scale and its least count will be in seconds).

What are the main scale and vernier scale readings?

The main scale reading is obtained by looking at the marked division on the main scale that aligns with the reference mark on the vernier scale. The vernier scale reading is taken from the division on the vernier scale that aligns most closely with a division on the main scale. Combining these readings gives a more precise measurement than with just the main scale alone.

How do you measure the least count of vernier?

The least count of a vernier scale is calculated by dividing the smallest division on the main scale by the total number of divisions on the vernier scale. This calculation gives the value of one vernier division.

How to take a main scale reading and vernier scale reading?

To take a main scale reading, identify the whole number on the main scale that is to the left of the zero mark on the vernier scale. Then, identify the vernier scale division that aligns closely with a division on the main scale. Add the main scale reading and the vernier scale reading together to get the final measurement.

Where on the vernier caliper would you read to obtain the vernier scale reading?

You would read the main scale reading on the vernier caliper from the scale that is closest to the object being measured. The vernier scale reading is obtained by noting which vernier scale division aligns with a main scale division. The combined main scale reading and vernier scale reading provide the precise measurement of the object.

How much accurate will be the measurement of radius of a sphere with the help of a vernier scale?

It depends on the graduations on the vernier scale.

What is the vernier caliper principle?

The principle of a vernier caliper is that it uses a main scale and a sliding vernier scale to provide accurate measurements of length, thickness, or diameter. The vernier scale has a slightly smaller increment than the main scale, allowing for precise readings to be taken. By aligning the zero mark on the vernier scale with the closest mark on the main scale, the user can determine the measurement with high accuracy.