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A boat weighs the same as the water it displaces i.e. the volume of the boat that sits below the water.

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Q: What is the formula to find displacement weight of a boat that is 56 feet long 17 feet wide 6 feet deep and what is the answer so i can try to figure it out to explain to the rest thanx?
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You need to find volume by displacement instead of by formula when the object is not a regular solid. It could be an object like a pen where the height, weight, and length can't be easily measured, or a liquid.

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The deadweight of the ship is the result from the total displacement when loaded up to the summer freeboard mark minus the lightship displacement. The lightship displacement is the weight of the ship without any cargo, fuel, passengers, stores, mail, water and ballast.

What is the relationship between the weight of a viking boat and the water displacement?

the more weight, the more water displacement.

What is the difference between displacement and hull weight on s sail boat?

Displacement: The weight of the water the boat displaces. Hull weight: The weight of the hull of the boat

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It can't. Gross tonnage is a measure of volume, while displacement is a measure of weight. The light ship displacement is equal to the total displacement minus the deadweight.

What is the product of mass and veloctiy?

Product of mass and displacement is not that much considered. But weight multiplied by displacement gives potential energy. Weight is got by multiplying mass by acceleration due to gravity

Explain why chlorine gas is collected at a slower rate than hydrogen?

Because the weight / density of chlorine is more than hydrogen. Hence the rate of displacement will be less than that of hydrogen.

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The water around floating object's is a measure of that object's "Displacement". For the object to float the weight of displacement must equal the object's weight. If the water around an object is of a greater weight than an object's displacement, then the object will sink.