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Q: What is the formula to find the sum of A1A2 and A3?
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What is the formula to find the sum of the cells A1 A2 A3?

There following two options should work:=sum(A1:A3) or=A1+A2+A3

What is the formula to find the sum of cells A1 A2 A3?

There following two options should work:=sum(A1:A3) or=A1+A2+A3

What is the formula to find sum of cells a1 a2 and a3?

There following two options should work:=sum(A1:A3) or=A1+A2+A3

What is the formula to find the sum of A1A2and A3?

I assume you mean the formula as used in a spreadsheet? Place the formula in cell A4 =SUM(A1:A3) or you can use =Sum(A1+A2+A3) - This is a loger way of doing it but for someone new to calculations in spreadsheet cells its easier to check and edit if you need to change a cell reference.

What is the formula to find the sum of cells A1A2and A3?

I assume you mean the formula as used in a spreadsheet? Place the formula in cell A4 =SUM(A1:A3) or you can use =Sum(A1+A2+A3) - This is a loger way of doing it but for someone new to calculations in spreadsheet cells its easier to check and edit if you need to change a cell reference.

How do you divide and multiply from one cell to another in openoffice calc?

You would use a formula such as ... =sum(a3/10) or =sum(b12*a3)

What is a formula which would add A1 A2 and A3 and divide by 3?

To add the 3 cells and divide the total by 3, you could do it several ways: =(A1+A2+A3)/3 =SUM(A1:A3)/3 =SUM(A1,A2,A3)/3

What is the formula to find the sum of cells a1 a2 and a3 in excel?

Excel formulas that will find the average of cells A1, A2, and A4 are: =AVERAGE(A1 ,A2, A4) or =AVERAGE(A1:A2, A4)

Formula for sum of cells A1 to A5?

While there are many ways of doing it, the simplest way is to use the SUM function and a range in it like this: =SUM(A1:A5)

What is the complete syntax of addition for open office calc?

Using cells a3, b3 & c3 as examples...Adding a fixed number to a cell... in c3 you would use the formula =sum(a3+20)Adding the contents of two cells together... in c3, enter the formula =sum(a3+b3)

If you used the Excel formula SUM(A2A4) what will be calculated?

The values in cells A2, A3 & A4 will be added together - and the result displayed in the cell that contains the 'sum' formula.

The IF formula?

=IF(A1+A2=A3,"True","False") As an example: put this LibreOffice Calc formula into A4. Type a number in A1 and also in A2, and type the answer to the sum in A3. If the answer in A3 is correct, then "True" will appear in A4 and, if wrong "False" will appear in A4.