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Distance divided by velocity = time

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Q: What is the formula to find time in seconds from velocity and distance?
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How far does a plane fly in 15 seconds while its velocity is increasing from 75 miles per second to 145 miles per second at a uniform rate of acceleration?

To find the distance traveled, we can use the formula: distance = initial velocity * time + 0.5 * acceleration * time^2. The initial velocity is 75 miles per second, the final velocity is 145 miles per second, and the time is 15 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Plug in the values to find the acceleration and then calculate the distance traveled in 15 seconds.

What is the distance that the object travels in the first 5 seconds?

To find the distance traveled in the first 5 seconds, we multiply the average velocity by the time traveled. If the object's velocity is constant, this distance is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time.

Formula that helps to find speed?

Distance divided by time = Velocity Example: A car travels 25m over 5 seconds 25/5 = 5m/s

What formula do you use to find speed acceleration and velocity?

velocity= distance/time=d/t accelaration= dv/dt

How do you calculate acceleration between 6 and 9 seconds?

To calculate acceleration between 6 and 9 seconds, you need to find the change in velocity during that time interval and then divide it by the time taken. The formula for acceleration is acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Plug in the velocities at 6 seconds and 9 seconds into the formula to get the acceleration.

Find the acceleration of a car that goes from A meters per second to B meters per second in 8 seconds?

The acceleration of the car can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Given the initial velocity (A), final velocity (B), and time (8 seconds), you can substitute the values into the formula to find the acceleration.

What is the formula to find the average speed of a given distance and time?

Distance = time * average speed (velocity) Average speed = Distance/time

A speed bike tops a hill at 3.50 ms an accelerates steadily down the hill until reaching a speed of 11.4 ms after 4.20 second how far did the bike travel durig this period?

You can find the distance traveled by the bike by using the formula: distance = initial velocity * time + 0.5 * acceleration * time^2. In this case, the initial velocity is 3.50 m/s, the final velocity is 11.4 m/s, the time is 4.20 seconds, and since the bike is accelerating, you can find the acceleration using the equation: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Plug these values into the formula to find the distance traveled.

What is the uniform velocity of an object that move 602 m East in 250 seconds?

To find the uniform velocity, divide the distance traveled by the time taken. Velocity = Distance / Time Velocity = 602 m / 250 s Velocity = 2.408 m/s Therefore, the uniform velocity of the object moving 602 m East in 250 seconds is 2.408 m/s.

How can you find the velocity in meters per secound of a baseball thrown 38 m from third basse to first base in 1.7s?

To find the velocity, you can use the formula: Velocity = Distance / Time. In this case, the distance is 38 meters and the time is 1.7 seconds. So, the velocity of the baseball thrown from third base to first base is 38 meters / 1.7 seconds = 22.35 meters per second.

How do you find the average velocity if there are two different speeds?

To find the average velocity when there are two different speeds, you can use the formula: average velocity = total distance traveled / total time taken. Simply calculate the total distance traveled and total time taken for the two different speeds, and plug these values into the formula to find the average velocity.

How do you find velocity with charge and joule?

To find velocity with charge and joules, you would need additional information such as the mass of the object or particle carrying the charge. Once you have the mass, you can use the formula for kinetic energy, which incorporates velocity, charge, and energy (in joules) as factors to solve for velocity.