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There is no exact formula to lay out pipe miters, but there is information that must be known to calculate the layout. This includes the diameter, wall thickness, angle, and offset.

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Q: What is the formula to layout pipe miters?
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I edited and uploaded a program I wrote to calculate pipe saddle layout, pipe miter layout, and to calculate running offsets for piping runs. I have used similar programs in the past to get information to pipe fitters. I am using and evaluating a conversion program that limits what I can upload during the free trial period; so the sheets may be a bit awkward to use....let me know. Those of you who use the method of dividing a pipe in 16-divisions will note I have added 64-division points should you want to use these; the 64-divisions would be better to use if you were making a saddle template for larger pipe or for a saddle with a shallow angle. (I moved this to ' Let me know if it works for you or what seems confusing. Dave

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a formula is an equation, rule, principle, or other logical relation. The pipe lateral formula is Ao equals external pipe surface area (feet 2 per feet pipe).

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You can saddle branches of the same size or smaller onto headers at various degrees. There are typical 16-division layout; and also a 64-division layout to calculate information for mitered ells and rolling offsets.

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Pipe size times 0.707

How can I extend a sink drain pipe to accommodate a longer distance or different layout in my plumbing system?

To extend a sink drain pipe for a longer distance or different layout in your plumbing system, you can use a PVC extension pipe and fittings. Measure the distance needed, cut the extension pipe to size, and connect it to the existing drain pipe using appropriate fittings and PVC cement. Make sure to secure the connections properly to prevent leaks.