It may be called the slope-intercept form of the equation of a straight line.
The correct formula is E = MC².
It means that a + n + mc + cg = 0
Albert Einstein.
I don't know who came up with E = mc, but Einstein came up with E = mc2.
The 2 stands for squared . So in all the formula is : Energy equals the mass times the constant (Speed of light) squared. The 2 squares the formula.
The correct formula is E = MC².
It means that a + n + mc + cg = 0
Albert Einstein.
I don't know who came up with E = mc, but Einstein came up with E = mc2.
The 2 stands for squared . So in all the formula is : Energy equals the mass times the constant (Speed of light) squared. The 2 squares the formula.
He did not use any databases to come up with E=mc^2.
Albert Einstein.
He was of a generation which used "brains". Try it sometime!
E=mc² is a very important formula but it is not important that Albert Einstein found the formula, unless you happen to be personally interested in him as a character.
The formula for thermal energy is mc(deltaT) equals thermal energy, which means that multiplication of change in temperature by mass and specific heat gives you the thermal energy.
e=mc squared the energy mass equivalence formula.