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Pressure = Force/Area.

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Q: What is the formula you use to pressure?
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The formula to determine pressure is?

You might use the definition of pressure: pressure = force / area.


It really depends, based on what data you want to calculate pressure. For a start, you can use the basic definition of pressure, as force divided by area.

What is the formula to find pressure?

P=F/A Pressure=Force over area To get this you use P= N/M2

Why is the formula use to calculate pressure?

The Ideal Gas Law PV=nRT

What is the formula for calculating working pressure?

my question is what is the formula for pressure?

How are mass pressure related?

Pressure = force / area. If the force is the result of the weight of a specific object, you can additionally use the formula: force = mass x gravity, i.e., you can combine this with the previous formula.

What is the formula and unit for pressure?

The formula for pressure is: pressure= force divided by area The unit for pressure is: pascals (p) Enjoy:)

What is the formula for pressure?

the formula for pressure is:Mathematically:P= F/A or P= dFn/ dAwhere:p is the pressure,F is the normal force,A is the area of the surface area on contactScientifically:p= F/A

What is a formula relating pressure force and area?

Pressure = (Force/Area)

Use this formula to compute the pressure of air pushing down with force of 25 newtons over an area of 5 meters?


What is the formula used to calculate pressure?

Force over Area= Pressure

What is the formula for absolute pressure?

but i think the absolute pressure is P(pressure)/{p(density)*g(gravity)}