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Q: What is the formulae for surface area and volume for pyramids and cones?
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What is the fomula of volume?

There is no universal formula for volume: it depends on the shape. There are formulae for the volumes of some shapes such as cuboids (including cubes), cones, ellipsoids (including spheres), regular polyhedra (including pyramids), prisms (including cylinders). But there are many more irregular shapes for which no formulae exist.

Who calculate the volumes of pyramid and cones?

democritus calculated the volume of pyramids and cones

Do pyramids and cones have curved surfaces?

Cones have curved lateral surface, pyramids don't.

How does calculus impact your society?

The biggest impact I think of: Calculus is how people invented the formulas to get the volume and surface area of spheres/cones/pyramids.

How do you find the surface area of pyramids and cones and spheres?

you do stuff

What is an irregular object definition?

It means that the shape of the object doesn't fit into a small list of predefined shapes (for which simple formulae for volume and surface area are known). Such a list may typically include shapes like spheres, rectangular boxes, cylinders, pyramids, cones, certain sections (cutouts) of the previous ones, etc.

How do you find the volume of something that's not a rectangular prism?

There are different formulae for spheres, ellipsoids, cones and pyramids, paralellepipeds as well as some other shapes. For other shapes, including irregular shapes, the fluid displacement method may be the only option.

Are pyramids and cones surfaces curved?

Pyramids, no; cones, yes (except the base).

Differences between cones and pyramids?

cones have round bases

Do pyrimds and cones have curved faces?

Cones do but pyramids don't

Do cones and pyramids stack on each other?

no u can not stack cones on eachother

What is true about both pyramids and cones?

they are pointy :)