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4. Remember to Sabbath day and keep it holy.

this is very easy: go to a search page and type in 10 comandments it will help you very much.

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Q: What is the fourth commandment and meaning?
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Which commandment stresses obedience to lawful authority?

The fourth commandment!

Why isn't The fourth commandment practiced today?

The fourth 'commandment' is to keep Shabbat which Jews most definitely do.

What does the first commandment command you to do?

what is the meaning of the first commandment

What are the violation of the fourth commandment?

The fourth commandment is about observing the Sabbath day and keeping it holy. The violations is working during the Sabbath instead of going to church for worship.

How does the fourth commandment apply in New Zealand today?

dont be greedy etc

How were the israelites to follow the fourth commandment?

They Just Had To Obey Their Mother's And Father's Orders

What change is made to the fourth commandment after the pigs move into the farmhouse?

The words "with sheets" is added after the pigs move into the farmhouse.

What is a word meaning break a commandment?

The word you are looking for is "sin." Sin refers to breaking a religious or moral law, such as a commandment. It is often associated with wrongdoing or transgression.

What does Benjamin read to clover in animal farm?

Benjamin reads the Fourth Commandment to Clover in George Orwell's "Animal Farm." The Fourth Commandment states, "No animal shall sleep in a bed." Clover is initially confused by the change in the commandment that she remembers, thinking it initially prohibited animals from sleeping in beds with sheets.

How do you spell fourth?

That is the correct spelling of "fourths" (meaning the plural of one-fourth).

Does the fourth commandment require us to obey all those who lead and serve us except when they direct us to do something that is morally wrong?

Yes, the fourth commandment instructs us to honor and obey our authority figures, such as parents, teachers, and government leaders. However, if they ask us to do something that goes against our moral principles or the teachings of our faith, we are not morally obligated to obey them.

Which commandment forbids doing unnecessary work on the sabbath?

There is no such commandment. The reason for this notion is a tradition that started with the commandment "Keep Holy the Sabbath Day." It was interpreted to mean that people should not labor gainfully on the Sabbath. Sunday is, however, not the Sabbath. The fact that Sunday is the holy day of the week is a Christian tradition.