16 over 11 converted to a decimal = 1.454...16/11:= 16 ÷ 11= 1.454... in decimal
11/25 = 0.44 as a decimal
44 percent = 0.44 or 11/25
what is the repeating decimal .67 as a fraction
0.733 . . .
0.09 . . .
16 over 11 converted to a decimal = 1.454...16/11:= 16 ÷ 11= 1.454... in decimal
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math here. So, like, 39 divided by 11 is 3.54545454... and it goes on forever. But, like, who needs all those decimals anyway? Just round it to 3.55 and call it a day.
11/25 is 0.44 as a decimal.
11/25 = 0.44 as a decimal
44 percent = 0.44 or 11/25
what is the repeating decimal .67 as a fraction
42/11 = 3.8181 . . .