46/180 = 23/90
Yes, 46/100 can be reduced. To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which in this case is 2. After simplifying, you get 23/50.
equivalent fraction for 21 over 23 = 42/46
46/47 is in its simplest form.
46/180 = 23/90
The fraction 46/15 cannot be reduced any more.
Any fraction with even numbers can be reduced. Try 23/25.
This fraction can't be reduced because it is already in it's simplest form. In decimals this fraction is equal to 1.314285714
the fraction is 46 over 2 the fraction is 46 over 2
Yes, 46/100 can be reduced. To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which in this case is 2. After simplifying, you get 23/50.
46 over 1
Because 23 is a prime number, 21/23 is in its reduced form. You can make the fraction "un-reduced," so-to-speak, and multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number. For example, multiply by 2/2 (which equals 1) so that the answer would be 42/46. 42/46 is an equivalent fraction to 21/23.
46/36 = 23/18
18/46 = 9/23
there are many equivalent fractions for 23 over 46 but one equivalent fraction would be one half or another one could be 46 over 92. hope this helped! :)