5/9 = 5 ÷ 9 = 0.555556
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/9 is equal to 0.5 recurring, or 0.555...
Decimal : 1,8 Fraction : 9/5
0.9 as a decimal and 9 over 10 as a fraction.
5/9 = 5 ÷ 9 = 0.555556
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/9 is equal to 0.5 recurring, or 0.555...
0.555555555555556 as a fraction can be expressed as 5/9. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we look at the decimal places after the decimal point and put the number over the appropriate power of 10. In this case, since there are repeating fives, we can write it as 5/9, where 5 is the repeating digit and 9 is the number of nines equal to the number of repeating digits.
Decimal : 1,8 Fraction : 9/5
decimal fraction and the reduced mixed fraction for 9.4? 47/5; 9 2/59.4 * 10/10 = 94/10 or 47/5 in decimal fraction9.4 = 9 + 4/10 = 9 4/10 or 9 2/5 in mixed fraction
It is: 5 and 9/10 = 59/10 as an improper fraction or 5.9 as a decimal
Decimal: 9.26 Improper fraction: 139/15 Proper fraction: 9 4/15
0.9 as a decimal and 9 over 10 as a fraction.
9 and 3 over 5 as a decimal is 9.6
52 over 9 as a mixed number is: 52/9 = 45/9 + 7/9 = 5 7/9
5/9 as a decimal is 0.'5' recurring '5'