fraction: 4/100 = 1/25 decimal: 0.04
The decimal for 8% is .8 and the fraction of it is 4/5.
400% = 4.0 in decimal = 4/1 in fraction
fraction and decimal of 56.25%:= 0.5625 in decimal= 5625/100 or 225/4 in fraction
To write a fraction as a decimal, do the indicated division. 3/4 = 3 divided by 4 = 0.75 To write a decimal as a percent, multiply by 100. 0.75 = 75 percent
fraction: 4/100 = 1/25 decimal: 0.04
Fraction to decimal: Do the division. 3/4 = 3 divided by 4 = 0.75 Decimal to percent: Multiply by 100. 0.75 = 75 percent
The decimal for 8% is .8 and the fraction of it is 4/5.
400% = 4.0 in decimal = 4/1 in fraction
fraction and decimal of 56.25%:= 0.5625 in decimal= 5625/100 or 225/4 in fraction
To write a fraction as a decimal, do the indicated division. 3/4 = 3 divided by 4 = 0.75 To write a decimal as a percent, multiply by 100. 0.75 = 75 percent
25% is 1/4 as a fraction or 0.25 as a decimal
decimal=.75 fraction= 75/100 or 3/4
It is: 175% = 1.75 as a decimal and 7/4 as a fraction in its lowest terms
fraction: 4/5.......... percent: .o8 split into 5ths by: x20= 20 40 60 80 100
4/5=0.8=80 Percent