17/625 is a fraction in its lowest terms
0.9232 as a fraction is 9232/10000. In lowest terms, it is 577/625
If you say the 'decimal' out loud, it is 625 Ten Thousandths. To write THAT in math terms it is 625/ 10,000. If you reduce the fraction to its Lowest Denominator it will equal 1/16.
It is: 125/625 = 1/5
0.576 as a fraction in lowest terms is 72/125
576 over 625 is already a fraction in its lowest terms.
17/625 is a fraction in its lowest terms
It is: 0.0112 = 7/625 as a fraction in its lowest terms
It is: 1341/625 in its lowest terms
It is: 0.0112 = 7/625 in its lowest terms
0.9232 as a fraction is 9232/10000. In lowest terms, it is 577/625
If you say the 'decimal' out loud, it is 625 Ten Thousandths. To write THAT in math terms it is 625/ 10,000. If you reduce the fraction to its Lowest Denominator it will equal 1/16.
625/1000 = 5/8
It is: 125/625 = 1/5
0.84 as a fraction in lowest terms is 21/25.