Divide the Denominator from the Numerator like this: 4/3= 1 1/4
It is approx 7/10.
one forth by jaden
Fraction games are useful games for kids to learn about maths and numbers and provide an understanding of how fractions are part of everyday life. Games such as pizza games which show the amount of pizza left are all intended to aid children in understanding maths.
3/4 of kids dont isten to kids
There is coolmath kids can learn things on that educational website
Approx 1/22500 of it.
Kids with mumps have a swell time
About 1/3 of the earth.
Approx 0.292 which, as a fraction would be 73/250.
A fraction cannot distinguish between kids who like Barbie a little or a lot. So no proportion will shed any light on how much they like Barbie.
The Last Kids on Earth - 1983 was released on: USA: 1983 (limited)
Divide the Denominator from the Numerator like this: 4/3= 1 1/4