If the whole number is twelve, three fourths? No, nine tenths of twelve would not be a complete fraction. Eighteen twentieths would equal nine tenths, or 90 percent if you're looking for a metric answer.
Expressed as a mixed vulgar fraction in its lowest terms, 12.9 is equal to 12 9/10, or twelve and nine tenths.
Twelve twentieths, three fifths, or sixty one hundredths.
No, twelve tenths is 1.2
The number digits for twelve and four-tenths = 12.4
If the whole number is twelve, three fourths? No, nine tenths of twelve would not be a complete fraction. Eighteen twentieths would equal nine tenths, or 90 percent if you're looking for a metric answer.
Expressed as a mixed vulgar fraction in its lowest terms, 12.9 is equal to 12 9/10, or twelve and nine tenths.
Twelve twentieths, three fifths, or sixty one hundredths.
No, twelve tenths is 1.2
As and improper fraction, 12/10 and as a mixed number 1 and 2/10
The number digits for twelve and four-tenths = 12.4
"Two hundred twelve and three tenths"
Twelve tenths. Which can be written as: Twelve over Ten. It can also be written as One and Two tenths.12-----10or1 & 2---10
twelve point five twelve and five tenths twelve and a half twelve and one half
Six-tenths writen as a fraction is 6/10
Four tenths of thirty is twelve.
2 tenths in fraction form is 1/5.