Expressed as a mixed vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 8/7, or eight sevenths, is equal to 1 1/7, or one and one seventh.
8/7 is an improper fraction because the numerator 8 is bigger than the denominator 7.
What would the fractional Notation be of 44 and 7 over 8 percent?
87/10 IS a mixed fraction so you do not need to do anything to "convert" to a fractional notation.
8 7/10
18 7/8 or 151/8
What would the fractional Notation be of 44 and 7 over 8 percent?
15 7/8
87/10 IS a mixed fraction so you do not need to do anything to "convert" to a fractional notation.
(1 + 1/7) = (7/7 + 1/7) = 8/7
8 7/10
18 7/8 or 151/8
8 over 100, or simplified: 2 over 25
10 1/8 IS in fractional notation.