directly it is 975/10,000, but can be reduced to 39/400.
To convert decimal into fractions, put the numbers to the left of the decimal as whole number, the numbers to the right of the decimal become the numerator, and the denominator becomes a one in front of as many zeros as there are places to the right of the decimal, then just simplify.
Here 0 is the whole number, 975 is the numerator, and there are 4 places to the right of the decimal, so a 1 in front of 4 zeros make 10,000. Since both 975 and 10,000 are divisible by 25 you can simplify by dividing by numerator and denominator by 25, resulting in 39/400.
The fractional notation of 25.3 percent (0.253) = 253/1000
The fractional notation for 13.7 percent (0.137) = 137/1000
fractional notation of 150% = 15/10
The fractional notation for 6.5 percent (0.065) = 65/1000 = 13/200
The fractional notation for 24 percent (0.24) = 24/100 = 6/25
The fractional notation of 25.3 percent (0.253) = 253/1000
The fractional notation for 13.7 percent (0.137) = 137/1000
fractional notation of 150% = 15/10
The fractional notation for 6.5 percent (0.065) = 65/1000 = 13/200
The fractional notation for 24 percent (0.24) = 24/100 = 6/25
5 percent = 0.05 The fractional notation of 0.05 = 5/100 = 1/20
What would the fractional Notation be of 44 and 7 over 8 percent?
Written in fractional notation, 15 percent (0.15) = 15/100 = 3/20
26.4 percent to fractional notation = 264/100026.4% = 26.4/100 * 10/10 = 264/1000 in fraction
1.6 percent is 2/125
93 percent = 93/100