About 1,420,092,000 seconds in 45 years.
do 60x45 (60 seconds in a minute X 45 minutes) 2700 seconds in 45 minutes
45 seconds is 0.0125 hours.
1 minute and 45 seconds = 105 seconds. 86,400 seconds/105 seconds = 822,8
45 minutes is 2,700 seconds.
In 3 minutes, there would be a total of 3*60 = 180 seconds. With a frequency of 0.25 hertz, this would result in 180 * 0.25 = 45 waves formed in 3 minutes.
About 1,420,092,000 seconds in 45 years.
do 60x45 (60 seconds in a minute X 45 minutes) 2700 seconds in 45 minutes
45 seconds is 0.0125 hours.
1 minute and 45 seconds = 105 seconds. 86,400 seconds/105 seconds = 822,8
45 minutes is 2,700 seconds.
No. 45 seconds is 3/4 of one minute. 60 seconds is 1 minute.
There are a total of 165 seconds in 2 minutes and 45 seconds. This is calculated by adding 60 + 60 + 45. This is known to be a relatively short period of time.
1245 seconds
225 seconds. 1 minutes - 60 seconds 3/4 minutes - 45 seconds (3x60) + 45 = 180 + 45 = 225
There are 60 seconds in a minute so you just do 60×45=2,700.
Oh, isn't that a lovely question! If we have three fourths of a minute, we can simply multiply 60 seconds (the total in a minute) by three fourths, which equals 45 seconds. Just imagine all the happy little moments you can enjoy in those 45 seconds!