

Best Answer

Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = 12/2 = 6 per second = 6 Hz.


The question doesn't give enough information to describe the velocity. "12" is not

a velocity, but it can be a speed, and we've assumed that it is. Fortunately, 'speed'

is all we need to answer the question.

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Q: What is the frequency of a periodic wave if its wavelength is 2m and velocity is 12?
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How was velocity of a wave derived?

The velocity=distance/time ,, Suppose that the distance covered is one complete vibration therefore the distance is called wavelength and the time is called periodic time then velocity=wavelength/periodic time also frequency= 1/periodic time therefore the velocity=wavelength*frequency

What is the relationship between the velocity frequency and wavelength of a wave?

The velocity of a wave is the product of its frequency and wavelength. This relationship is described by the formula: velocity = frequency x wavelength. This means that as the frequency of a wave increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa.

How do wavelength and periods relate?

Wavelength*Frequency = Velocity of the wave. or Wavelength/Period = Velocity of the wave.

What is the relationship between velocity and frequency?

Velocity and frequency are related in wave physics. The speed of a wave is determined by the product of its frequency and wavelength. As frequency increases, velocity also increases if the wavelength remains constant. This relationship is described by the equation: velocity = frequency x wavelength.

What is the equation shows how wavelength is related to velocity and frequency?

The equation that shows how wavelength is related to velocity and frequency is: wavelength = velocity / frequency. This equation is derived from the wave equation, which states that the speed of a wave is equal to its frequency multiplied by its wavelength.

How can you double the frequency of a wave if you have control over both the wavelength and the wave velocity?

To double the frequency of a wave, you need to halve either the wavelength or the wave velocity. This is because frequency is inversely proportional to both wavelength and wave velocity. So, if you decrease either the wavelength or the wave velocity by half, the frequency will double.

What is the velocity of a wave with frequency of 6 hertz and a wavelength of 2 meters?

The velocity of a wave is calculated using the formula: velocity = frequency × wavelength. Therefore, the velocity of a wave with a frequency of 6 hertz and a wavelength of 2 meters is 12 m/s.

What is the velocity of a wave with a frequency of 10hz and a wavelength of 2m?

The velocity of a wave can be calculated using the formula: velocity = frequency x wavelength. Given a frequency of 10 Hz and a wavelength of 2 m, the velocity of the wave would be 20 m/s.

What can be determine from the frequency and wavelength of a wave?

The velocity of the wave

What is the scientific definition of wave velocity?

Wave velocity is the speed at which a wave travels through a medium. It is determined by the frequency and wavelength of the wave, following the equation velocity = frequency x wavelength.

What is the frequency of a wave with the velocity of 100ms and a wavelength of 20m?

velocity = frequency × wavelength frequency = velocity / wavelength f= 100 /20 f= 5 Hz

What would happen to the wave length if you could increase the frequency of a periodic wave?

If you increase the frequency of a periodic wave, the wavelength would decrease. This is because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional in a wave: as frequency goes up, wavelength goes down.