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The frequency is 1/5 = 0.2 Hertz. The wavelength is irrelevant in this question.

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Q: What is the frequency of a wave if the wavelength is 10 meters and period is 5 seconds?
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What is the speed of a wave 30 meters long with a period of 5 seconds?

Speed = (wavelength) times (frequency) = (wavelength) divided by (period) = 30/5 = 6 meters per second

What is the period of a wave with a wave speed of 50 miles per seconds and a wave length of 10 millimeters?

Frequency = (speed) / (wavelength) Period = 1 / (frequency) = (wavelength) / (speed) = (0.01 meter) / (50 mi/sec x 1609.344 meters/mi) = 0.1243 microsecond (rounded)

What is the period of a wave with a wave speed of 50 meters per second and a wavelength of 10 millimeters?

Frequency = speed/wavelengthPeriod = 1/frequency = wavelength/speed = 0.01/50 = 0.2 millisecond

What will the wavelength of a wave do if the period of the wave increases?

The wavelength will increase if the period increases.Proof:First define the terms: Wavelength = Lamda (λ), Velocity of propagation = v, frequency = f, period of oscillation = T. Frequency asks "how many waves per unit time (seconds usually)".Period asks "How much time (seconds) does it take for one wave cycle to complete".Also, frequency is inversely proportional to period, so f = 1/T. Also, T = 1/f.(Incidentally, note that as period (T) increases, then frequency (f) gets decreases. Or if frequency increases, then period decreases.)λ = v/forλ = vT. (by replacing f with 1/T)If the frequency decreases, OR/AND the velocity increases, then wavelength corespondingly increases.If the period increases OR/AND the velocity increases, then the wavelength increases.

A water wave has a frequency of 6 Hz and a wavelength of 3 m What is the period of these waves and What is the wave velocity?

Period = 1 / (frequency) = 1 / 6th of a second = [166 and 2/3] millisecondsSpeed = (wavelength) x (frequency) = 6 x 3 = [18] meters per second

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What is the speed of a wave 30 meters long with a period of 5 seconds?

Speed = (wavelength) times (frequency) = (wavelength) divided by (period) = 30/5 = 6 meters per second

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Frequency = speed/wavelengthPeriod = 1/frequency = wavelength/speed = (3,000,000)/(300,000,000) = 0.01 second

How do you Find the wavelength and period of the tuning note A440?

The wavelength of the tuning note A440 can be found using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. The period can be calculated using the formula: period = 1 / frequency. For A440 (440 Hz), frequency is 440 Hz, speed of sound is approximately 343 m/s, so the wavelength is around 0.779 meters and the period is approximately 0.00227 seconds.

What is the period of a wave with a wave speed of 50 miles per seconds and a wave length of 10 millimeters?

Frequency = (speed) / (wavelength) Period = 1 / (frequency) = (wavelength) / (speed) = (0.01 meter) / (50 mi/sec x 1609.344 meters/mi) = 0.1243 microsecond (rounded)

What is a sound wave of 125hz and the speed of 5000 ms?

A sound wave with a frequency of 125 Hz has a wavelength of 40 meters (speed = frequency x wavelength). At a speed of 5000 m/s, this sound wave would have a period of 0.08 seconds (period = 1 / frequency).

What is the period of a wave traviling 5 ms it its wavelength is 20 m?

If a wave is traveling at 5 meters per second (assuming that is what the question meant) and its wavelength is 20 meters, consider standing beside the wave and watching it pass. As the wave is 20 meters long and it is moving at 5 meters per second, it will take 4 seconds for the full cycle of the wave to pass an observer. That means its frequency is one cycle per 4 seconds. And - surprise! - that's the period of the wave. The period of the wave is 4 seconds.

What would be the velocity of a deepwater wave with a wavelength of 50 meters and a period of 6.5 second?

The velocity of a deepwater wave can be calculated using the formula v = L/T, where v is the velocity, L is the wavelength (50 meters), and T is the period (6.5 seconds). Substituting the values gives v = 50 meters / 6.5 seconds ≈ 7.69 m/s.

What is the period of a note that has a wavelength of 0.2 meters?

We think of a sound in air. Speed of sound c = 343 meters per second at 20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The Frequency f = speed of sound c divided by wavelength lambda. Frequency f = 343 / 0.2 = 1715 Hz. The period of time T = 1 / f, that is 1 / 1715 = 0.0005831 seconds = 0.5831 milliseconds. Scroll down to related links and look at "Time period and cycle duration - periodic time to frequency, and frequency to time period".

What is the time period of a wave with a speed of 50 meters per second and a wavelength of 10mm?

To find the time period of a wave, we use the formula: time period (T) = wavelength (λ) / speed (v). Converting 10 mm to meters (10 mm = 0.01m), we find T = 0.01m / 50 m/s = 0.0002 seconds. Therefore, the time period of the wave is 0.0002 seconds.

What is a waves speed if its length is 72 and its period is 5 seconds?

The formula to calculate wave speed is speed = wavelength / period. Plugging in the values given: 72 / 5 = 14.4 m/s. Therefore, the wave speed is 14.4 meters per second.

An ocean wave has a wavelength of 10 meters. These waves pass by a stationary boat every 2.0 seconds. What is the speed of the waves?

The speed of the wave can be calculated using the formula: speed = wavelength / period. In this case, the wavelength is 10 meters and the period is 2.0 seconds. Therefore, the speed of the waves is 5 m/s.

What is the waves period of 1000hz?

The wavelength period of a wave with a frequency of 1000 Hz is 0.001 seconds. This means that the wave completes one full cycle every 0.001 seconds.