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23/2 seconds = 11.5 per second = 11.5 Hz

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What is the frequency of a wave that vibrates 23 times in 2 seconds?
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What is the scientific term for the number of times electric wave vibrates each second?


If a wave vibrates up and down twice each seconds and travels a distance 20 meter each seconds?

it's frequency is 2 hertz

You want to know the definition of incident frequency?

The number of times a wave vibrates for a period of time (second).

What is the frequency of a wave that passes a given point 412 times in 4.0 seconds?

The frequency of the wave is 103 Hz. This is calculated by dividing the number of times the wave passes the point (412) by the time it takes (4.0 seconds).

1 A string vibrates at a frequency of 30 Hz What is its period?

The period of a wave is the reciprocal of its frequency. Therefore, the period of a string vibrating at 30 Hz is 1/30 seconds, or 0.0333 seconds.

What is frequecy of a wave?

Frequency of a wave is how many times a wave passes through by the setting of number of seconds.

A wave has a period of 0.25 seconds what is the frequency of this wave?

4Hz because this wave happens 4 times per second. Hz=1second / frequency.

What quantity tells you how fast a light wave vibrates?


What is the frequency of a wave that goes up 8 times in 4 seconds?

The frequency of the wave is 2 Hz. This is calculated by dividing the number of times the wave goes up (8) by the time it takes to complete those cycles (4 seconds). This means the wave completes 2 cycles every second, which corresponds to a frequency of 2 Hz.

If the period of a given wave is 6 seconds what is the frequency of the wave?

The frequency of a wave is the reciprocal of its period, so if the period is 6 seconds, then the frequency is 1/6 Hz.

What is the frequency of a wave that passes a given point 57 times in 3.0 seconds?

The frequency of the wave is 19 Hz, which is calculated by dividing the number of times the wave passes the point by the time it takes: 57 passes / 3.0 seconds = 19 Hz.

What is the frequency of the wave if the period of a mechanical wave is 5 seconds?

The frequency of a wave is the reciprocal of its period. So, if the period of the wave is 5 seconds, the frequency would be 1/5 Hz, which is 0.2 Hz.