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Q: What is the friendliest kind of airplane C-57?
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What is the friendliest kind of airblane?

Spelt airplane wrong. And its any WWII fighter aircraft.

What is the friendliest kind of airplane?

If by "friendliest", you mean most comfortable, the Boeing 747 in its Upper Deck Lounge configuration has the widest aisles, most leg room, and most comfortable seating. First class in a 747 is the equal or better of any existing passenger aircraft.

How do you spell friendliest?

The correct spelling is "friendliest."

What is the Chemical formula for glyceryl trioleat?

C57 H104 O6 Triolein

What is the friendliest kibd of airplane math sheet?

Well, honey, the friendliest kind of airplane math sheet is the one that doesn't crash and burn your brain cells. Just make sure it's filled with equations that won't leave you feeling more lost than Amelia Earhart. Keep it simple, sweetie, and you'll be flying high in no time.

What kind of airplane flies the farthest?

the airplane with the most fuel

What is an abstract noun for friendliest?

The noun form is friendliness (for friendly, friendlier, or friendliest).

How many morphemes in friendliest?

There are three morphemes in "friendliest": friend, -ly, -est.

What are the most friendliest animals?

A dog is the most friendliest pet

What is a shamal?

a kind of airplane

How long does it take to get from queenlkand to Perth by airplane?

Depends on the kind of airplane.

What is the comparative and superlative forms of friendly?

Friendlier and friendliest, respectively. More and most friendly are also correct, sometimes.