

What is the full form of pi?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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The term pi refers to the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference. The actual value is a transcendental number, that is, a number whose decimal value "keeps going to infinity" and does not repeat. As such, pi has no "full form" unless we choose to just write the symbol, which means "exactly the number" which is the ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumference. That's as "full" as we can make it.

In other words, pi does have an exact value, but that value can not be expressed numerically.

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the decimal form of pi is 3.14

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There is no 'full' value of Pi. It is a number, called an irrational number, that goes on forever.

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The simplest form of pi is 3.14. Hope this helps. ;D

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While there is no fraction form for pi, 22/7 is an approximation of pi that can be used for a rough calculation .

What is the full extent of pi?

it never end pi is a radical; therefore, its symbol pi "π" is the whole answer, and there will never be an approximate answer.

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The area of the full circle is (pi) R2 = (pi) (10)2 = 100 pi45° = 45°/360° = 1/8 of the full circle1/8 of the area of the full circle = 100 pi/8 = 12.5 pi square units.

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Since 2 pi radians equals a full circle; the answer is pi / 2 pi being about 3.14159

What is -300 in pi form?

It isn't clear what you mean. I don't think that "pi form" is a commonly used math term.