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Q: What is the function of EGP?
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What is EGP the same as in England?

One Egyptian Pound (EGP) is worth about £0.11 (GBP).

Average salary of pharmacists in Egypt?

Average Salary for an Average Experience Pharmacist in Egypt is : 5 EGP / Hour = 0.85 $ / Hour 13,00 EGP / Month = 215 $ / Month 15,600 EGP / Year = 2600 $ / Year

What is the difference between IGP and EGP?

IGP stands for Interior Gateway Protocol...and EGP- Exterior gateway protocol As name suggests..that IGP works for Intra-Autonoumus system...and EGP works between two Autonoumous system IGP examples: RIP,OSPF,EIGRP EGP: IS-IS,BGP...

What is the currency in Cairo?

the Egyptian Pound. EGP

What are the differences in optimal infection between VS-EGP and other strains in vitro?

The differences in optimal infection between VS-EGP and other strains in vitro refer to how effectively the VS-EGP strain can infect cells compared to other strains when studied in a controlled laboratory setting. This can help researchers understand the unique characteristics and behavior of the VS-EGP strain in causing infections.

How much is 25 piastres in us dollars?

Egypt Pounds United States Dollars 1 EGP = 0.177265 USD 1 USD = 5.64128 EGP

What is the price of a nokia 5530 xpressmusic?

50 egp

What is the currency they use in Egyptian?

Egyptian pound (EGP)

How much is one pound Egyptian worth in AUD?

As of today (01APR2011), 1 Egyptian Pound (EGP) is worth about 0.16 AUD. 1 AUD is worth about 6.19 EGP.

How many egyptian pounds in 5000 dollars?

92,750.00 EGP

What is the value of twenty piastres?

25 egp=4.2268 usd

In Egypt what currency do Egyptians use?

Egyptian pound (EGP).