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It has no function. It is simply dead flakes of skin from the scalp.

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Q: What is the function of a dandruff?
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i realy dont what is the no. 2 anti-dandruff shampoo

What is the plural of dandruff?

Dandruff is used as a plural and a singular. The word is used to describe one speck of dandruff or lots of dandruff.

How do you decrease dandruff?

Use dandruff shampoo

What steps should be taken to improve a dandruff situation?

To improve a dandruff sitution you should use a simple dandruff shampoo. Ex. Head and sholder dandruff control.

Does it protect from dandruff?

Bonacure brand features a Bonacure "Dandruff Expert Dandruff Control Shampoo" in their line of beauty products.

Can you use the word dandruff in a sentence?

My dandruff fell on your face.

Will glycerin help with dandruff?

i would use dandruff shampoo

Can dogs have dandruff?

The puppy will scratch itself more often, just as humans do when they get dandruff. They might bite or scratch at their hair until some starts to fall out, and possibly lead to a bald spot, but other than that, there isn't much else that happens when a puppy gets dandruff. I recommend getting Puppy Dandruff Shampoo to help with the dandruff problem.

Is it normal to hamsters to have dandruff?

Yes, it is normal for any animal to have dandruff.

What is Dandruff's technical term?

Seborrhea dermatitis is another name for dandruff.

Can you comb out dandruff?

Dandruff is a fungal infection so it will always be there. You have to get a medical shampoo. Just combing it out wont work since it's in your scalp. -Unfortunately, dandruff is not just an ordinary problem, dandruff is caused by a fungi called M.furfur, specifically M.globosa. to know more about it you can visit this link, it will all answer your problem about dandruff It's better reading the article to know how to battle dandruff.

Is dandruff the same thing as dry skin?

Dandruff is dry skin from the scalp of you head. "Unfortunately, dandruff is not just an ordinary problem, dandruff is caused by a fungi called M.furfur, specifically M.globosa. to know more about