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Q: What is the function of antitoxins?
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What is the difference between antibodies and antitoxins?

Antibodies attach to antigens preventing them from attacking cells in the body. Antitoxins attack antigens and destroy them

What is the function of blood in your body?

Transports oxygen, nutrients, hormons, enzymesTransports waste productsFights infections (carries antibodies, antitoxins, etc.)(Blood) clottingRegulates body temperature

How do antitoxins help us?

Antitoxins are proteins that neutralize toxins produced by bacteria or other pathogens. They work by binding to the toxin molecule and preventing it from causing harm to cells in the body. Antitoxins can be used as a treatment to counteract the effects of toxins in cases of poisoning or infection.

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Are antioxidants and antitoxins the same thing?

No, antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that can cause oxidative stress. Antitoxins, on the other hand, are substances that can neutralize toxins, which are harmful substances produced by living organisms.

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What is an injection of antibodies or antitoxin?

Antitoxins are substances that bind to toxines making them harmlles.(they losse their effect in organizm)

What do white blood cells make to fight diseases?

antibodies to fight bacteria and antitoxins to neutralise the toxins produced by bacteria.

How do antitoxins work?

Antitoxins work by neutralizing toxins produced by bacteria or other harmful substances in the body. They do this by binding to the toxin molecules and preventing them from causing harm to cells or tissues. Once neutralized, the toxin-antitoxin complex is removed from the body through the immune system.