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Q: What is the function of chelicerae in chelicerates?
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What is the function of chelicerae?

For grasping, feeding and piercing it's prey

Which subphyla of arthropoda is caracterized by animals lacking antennae?

The subphylum Chelicerata is characterized by animals lacking antennae. This group includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites. Instead of antennae, chelicerates have structures called chelicerae, which are used for feeding and defense.

Do chelicerates have wings?

no chelicerates are mostly spiders or scorpions or horseshoe crabs

Which arthopods have chelicerae?

Arachnids such as spiders and scorpions have chelicerae.

Do chelicerates have antennae?


Are wings found in insects and chelicerates?

Yes, wings are found in insects, but not in chelicerates such as spiders and scorpions. Chelicerates have evolved a different body plan that does not include wings for flight.

What are Arthropods with fangs?


What does a spider use its chelicerae for?

A spider uses its chelicerae for feeding and defense. They are equipped with fangs that inject venom into prey to immobilize or kill them, and then break down the prey's body for consumption.

Where is a spiders abdomen?

Spiders are chelicerates and therefore arthropods.[6] As arthropods they have: segmented bodies with jointed limbs, all covered in a cuticle made of chitin and proteins; heads that are composed of several segments that fuse during the development of the embryo.[5] Being chelicerates, their bodies consist of two tagmata, sets of segments that serve similar functions: the foremost one, called the cephalothorax or prosoma, is a complete fusion of the segments that in an insect would form two separate tagmata, the head and thorax; the rear tagma is called the abdomen or opisthosoma.[6] In spiders the cephalothorax and abdomen are connected by a small cylindrical section, the pedicel.[7] The pattern of segment fusion that forms chelicerates' heads is unique among arthropods, and what would normally be the first head segment disappears at an early stage of development, so that chelicerates lack the antennae typical of most arthropods. In fact chelicerates' only appendages ahead of the mouth are a pair of chelicerae, and they lack anything that would function directly as "jaws".[5][8] The first appendages behind the mouth are called pedipalps, and serve different functions within different groups of chelicerates.[6

How many segments do chelicerates have?


What do chelicerae and pedipalps do?

The prey is captured by the pedipalps and the sting is inserted in it, the paralyzed or killed prey is sucked using the chelicerae.

How many body segments do chelicerates have?