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Q: What is the function of clit in woman?
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How do you satisfy woman orally?

lick the clit and tongue bottom to top

How do you eat a woman up?

Its almost the same as giving a guy head. Suck the clit and work your tongue around

Can clits get hard?

Yes. When a woman is aroused fluids can rush to the genital organs, engorging the tissue and making the clit appear to be or feel 'hard'

What is difference between vertical integration and diversification?

Diversification is when someone's tight clit is sniffed and integration is when the clit is jizzed on

What is the clitourus?

The clit is located at the top of the labia minora, follow the labia minora to the top and they connect to the clit.

Is the fluid during sex urine that comes from a woman?

No, it is the equivalent of the mans ejaculation and is still called cum. Urine comes out of the clit area and the cum comes out of the vagina area.

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How was the telephone improved?

By your mummas clit

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How was telephone improve?

By your mummas clit

How do you make woman enjoy sex more?

Well every woman is different but on a personal level i would have to say women get more pleasure when you work with their clit. During sex, make things fun, not tense and serious. you should be comfortable with eachother or everything is just all wrong. if you want her to really really like it and booth of you want to.. BEEE there for her. what i mean by that is go down on her and focus of her clit. its hard to give specific details on how to please your woman but try things out and she what she likes. it also wouldn't hurt to ask her what she wants from you.

How do you lick Virgina?

Licking the shot out of the clit