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Q: What is the function of complete?
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The large intestine function is digest to your food

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Of the....please edit your question to complete it.

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Period of a Periodic Function is the horizontal distance required for the graph of that periodic function to complete one cycle.

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What is the function of neutral wires?

to complete the circuit and back to power supply

What is the function of the digestive enzymes sexreted by cells lining the small intestine?

The function is to complete the digestion of starches, proteins, and fats.

What is the definition of the word function?

Function basically means to perform something. Use the related links for complete list of meanings.

What is the function of stones in fish's head?

Well , do you think if the fish has no head it can be complete ? Of course not , the function of head in fish it to give protection.

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What is task function?

Task function is an activity that is related directly to the complete finish of a groups work. It is moving toward the achievement of a set goal.

What is complete wave function?

The complete wave function describes the state of a quantum system with all possible values of position and momentum for each particle in the system. It contains all the information about the system necessary to make predictions about its behavior.