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Q: What is the function of extremophile?
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Is a extremophile bacteria or fungi?

Extremophile is a term used to describe organisms that thrive in extreme environments, such as high temperatures, acidic conditions, or high pressure. Both bacteria and fungi can be extremophiles, depending on the specific conditions in which they flourish.

What is an extremophile. which domain contains extremophiles?


What are the adaptations of an extremophile?

Extremophiles have adaptations that allow them to survive in extreme environments, such as high temperatures, acidity, or salinity. These adaptations may include unique protein structures that can function in extreme conditions, specialized membrane structures to protect against environmental stress, and mechanisms to repair DNA damage caused by harsh conditions. Additionally, extremophiles may have metabolic pathways that allow them to thrive in specific extreme environments.

Are camels extremophiles?

An extremophile is an organism that thrives in an environment generally not condusive to mammalian life. A desert is not conducive to mammalian life, due to the hot days and cold night. A camel is an extremophile

What are ancient bacteria often found in harsh environments?

extremophile archibacteria

What is psychrophillic?

a psychrophile is a extremophile that can survive at temps of about 20 to -10 degrees C

What eats an extremophile?

I think that they eat just like any bacteria, but they eat on the phile that they get their name from.

What organisms live in extremely hot or salty water?

Organisms that live in extremely hot environments are called thermophiles, such as certain bacteria and archaea. Organisms that thrive in extremely salty environments are known as halophiles, like some species of archaea and certain types of algae. These extremophiles have adaptations that allow them to survive and even thrive in these harsh conditions.

What is in rock cores from Antarctica?

Probably a plethora of minerals, as well as some extremophile bacteria that can survive in the sub-zero temperatures.

What is a class extremophile?


Where is an unusual place microbes are?

Boiling water in Yellowstone Park geysers, 3 miles down in solid rock - all called extremophile microbes.

A. chemoorganotroph b. chemolithotropth c. phototroph d. halobacterium e. E. coli...what would be considered an extremophile?

d. halobacterium... loves salty environment.